Have you ever felt Broken? Feeling that everything around you has falling apart in to a million pieces?You find your self hiding in bed with the blinds closed tight curled up in a ball and having not a once of energy to accomplish anything you need to do. You fight to achieve something and then something else goes wrong I mean really wrong you loose things left and right and your mind is bottled up with nothing with frustration. Every Artist at times encounters this no matter who you are. Your spirit seems it is crushed and you see no light at the end of the tunnel. You just don't care anymore about anything or anyone let alone your self. Well I just went through this again and I will tell you it is one hell of a place to be. Why do we go through this? What triggers this? Well my take on it is that we have to it is a way of changing our mind set and being passionate for why we do the things we do. We can find our selves a head of our own bodies with not being present too far on the other side that we for get that we must remain grounded. We lost apart of our spirt that drives our creations from the creator to flourish. We must seek deeper into our being and know that we do count and we do make a difference in this world. Thus why the creator chose us to be Artist! We should never ever allow that the o mighty buck validate us to be Artist. If our work is not bought by those who claim they want to buy it yet never do. It's OK! Remember it is not others who buy our works of art that light the spark of creation. It is the passion that our creator has given us to represent a language of Visual Movement to move those who are privilged to see it yet alone given the opportunity to own a part of you!
Just do your Art for Art Sake! |