A Tree of Strength by a. Siqueiros 2/24/2011 |
The word desire comes from de-sidere, "away from your star". It means elongation from the source, and concomitant, powerful magnetic pull to get back to the source. In the Sufi view, the beloved is the friend we love, while the Beloved, a vibratory, harmonized resonance between absence from and nearness to the two and being one. Take for example the tree the tree can not be excepted as a tree that stands alone for a tree is rooted by the seed and nurtured by nature that give it the strength to stand strong. We too as Artist have to have those around us that help us in nurturing us to be strong and with stand the elements that life may throw our way. We must give to those who help us credit and thank them for what may even be effortless for them but extremely helpful to us. So Today I want to thank all the amazing people of friends and relatives who have taken the time to be supportive and helping me in making me into a Tree of Strength. Thank You so much.