Monday, February 28, 2011


SIQUEIROS LIVES ON!: An Artist Fear: "An Artist Fear Photo by a. Siqueiros 2/28/11 Having Fear as an artist can be quite over whelming to say the lest. We are always in fear f..."

An Artist Fear

An Artist Fear Photo by a. Siqueiros 2/28/11

Having Fear as an artist can be quite over whelming to say the lest.
We are always in fear from the out side elements of interactions of the unknown.
The only time we are with out fear is when we are creating, we are constantly on the edge of unknowing.
Fear of not being able to meet bills and maintaining where we create or where the next bit of money will come from to keeping us going to do our work. This also is plays with the fact of rejection of our works of not being able to sell our works  of creations or constant criticism. We look for approval first my our en ate eagerness from the creator with in our selves, all the rest will follow. But Artist do carry an ability of manifestation the ability to create their outer world and turn fear in to focus to allow the universe to supply us with what ever we really need and if we really put our minds to it eventually it dose come to fruition. Most times it seems like it is unlikely to happen but the endless amount of time we give it pondering and focused on it we can find that somehow, somewhere and effortlessly it pops right out of the blue. "A Fine Line of Wanting and Having"
So try not to be so depressed over the issues at hand as it is as everything else a temporary situation, it is we that drive the ability to over come the obstacles with in our lives that make our successes if we put our minds to it!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Break Through Abstraction

Abstract Mood by a.Siqueiros 2/26/2011

The breakthrough, the moment of return, is the samadhi of reorganized innocence. With his or her very life at stake every time they pick up their tools, the artist can do their real work only by recovering their original mind-of-play, which has nothing to gain and nothing to lose!
Remember it is the process of doing something that feeds our daily accomplishments as artist!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Tree Of Strength

A Tree of Strength by a. Siqueiros 2/24/2011
The word desire comes from de-sidere, "away from your star". It means elongation from the source, and concomitant, powerful magnetic pull to get back to the source. In the Sufi view, the beloved is the friend we love, while the Beloved, a vibratory, harmonized resonance between absence from and nearness to the two and being one. Take for example the tree the tree can not be excepted as a tree that stands alone for a tree is rooted by the seed and nurtured by nature that give it the strength to stand strong. We too as Artist have to have those around us that help us in nurturing us to be strong and with stand the elements that life may throw our way. We must give to those who help us credit and thank them for what may even be effortless for them but extremely helpful to us. So Today I want to thank all the amazing people of friends and relatives who have taken the time to be supportive and helping me in making me into a Tree of Strength. Thank You so much. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Best Friends Are Diamonds In The Midst

Best Friends by a.Siqueiros 2/23/11

If I Were...
by Lucky
If I were a memory I’d hold you there forever
Reminding you of the good times we shared together

If I were a smile on your face I would stay
Never to let sadness chase me too far away

If I were a teardrop I’d roll gently down from your eyes
Not to burn much but to mend your sweet cries

If I were a hand I’d want you to hold me in your own
Carry me through life .. even when I’m grown

If I were feet I would stay inline with you
So I could be with you in all that you do

If I were a shadow I would always follow
We’d face things together in all the tomorrows

If I were pain I’d stay far away from the start
To make sure you never felt me or I never broke your heart

If I were a song I’d be a sweet sound to your ears
To keep up your hopes and carry you through the years

If I were strength I’d give you my all
I’d hold you high and never let your fall

If I were your heart I’d be steady and true
I’d be there in every beat; staying strong for you

If I were the sun I’d shine down upon your face
Illuminate your smile and radiate through your grace

If I were a star I’d sparkle like your eyes
I would look upon your life and never stop my shine

I don’t know how good at those things I could be
I’m not any of them but this I want you to see

If I were a friend I couldn’t let you down
I’d never let you fall or walk away from me with a frown

If I were a friend I would hold your hand
I would be with you always, I hope you understand

If I were a friend I would give you my all
And though it’s not much, I’ll be there when you call

If I were a friend I’d be in every memory too
When you laughed, when you cried, I’d be with you

I CAN be these things, it’s not impossible to be a friend
I CAN be your best and I’ll be here till the end

Monday, February 21, 2011

Contemplating about then and Now!

Contemplation by a.Siqueiros 2/21/11

Artist used to be able to to talk convincingly about creating something for posterity, about making things that would live on and even grow for hundreds of years past the death of their makers. Duration has traditionally been one of the great measures of quality.
But right now the world's future seems a bit doubtful. With vast amounts of weaponry all around us; with air, water, soil, and cities becoming more toxic every year; with the whole of Earth's life-support systems at risk, we don't have a clear guarantee that there will be much posterity. For years may of us have wondered and talked about what we can do to see that a world and a civilization still exist, to see that there's someone to make art for and with; and we have participated, each in our own way, in innumerable projects aimed at helping to heal the situation as each of us saw it.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Happiness is Being One With Nature

The Happiest I Have Been  Photo by Richard Bilow
I really miss doing this out in Nature by the Rivers Edge Fishing
I even wrote a Song of it! In which I will be recording it soon!

Time Waits For No One!

Time Waits for No One A.Siqueiros 2/17/11
The Clock of Life is Wound but once.
 And no man has the power to turn back the hands of the clock 
Late or early hour. 
For Now is the time! To Live, Love and toil with this will
For the hands of the clock may be Still!
Create your Life with Joy and inspiration by those who except you just the way you are!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Black Swan

The force of the desire to swallow and rule over everything is innate to our existence.  But when we overcome ourselves, this force rises and tears all the blockages, and nothing can prevent us from complete fulfillment.

Take charge of your desires today.
Black Swan by A. Siqueiros 2/17/2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Once Upon A Time is Here !

by A. Siqueiros 2/16/2011

Full-blown artistic creativity takes place when a trained and skilled grown-up is able to tap the source of clear, unbroken play-consciousness of the small child within. This consciousness has a particular feel and flow we instinctively recognize. It is " like tossing a ball on swift-flowing water: moment-to-moment nonstop flow. Remembering is not the basses of giving an excuse not to be creative on Once upon a time for it is already here. Do something creative and let your self free.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reflections of the Heart

Reflections of the Heart
 by a.Siqueiros 2/14/11

 Love is so precious
Love is a treasure
Love is not cheap
Love is when you can't fall asleep
For reality is better than dreams
And life is sweeter than it seams

Love comes from the heart
Not the brain
You don't know when it starts
You don't think about it
You just feel it over and over again

Love is not Just the saying of words
But the giving of one self
Love is caring
Love is daring
And most of All 
Love is sharing

Love is not to live in fears
Love is not a matter of counting years
But making the years count

Love is 
Telling, listening, understanding, 
Respecting the truth and never pretending
True love does NOT have a happy ending! 
True love does NOT have an ending! 

Love.. some say it is blind
But I say
Love gives you a third eye
To make it easy for you to find
Who is worthy? ! ! 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Moving Forward

Moving Forward by A. Siqueiros 2/9/20011
Falling in love with a Play called Life! 
Transformation comes from all different avenues of some kind of living form celebrating the newness of fresh beginnings resulting in the ever changing and developing a whole new you! That no other can be !

Saturday, February 5, 2011


SIQUEIROS LIVES ON!: Gone Fishing: "Anna Siqueiros Gone Fishing Creating something every day is always my style and my life. Fishing is no different I believe everything has ..."

Gone Fishing

Anna Siqueiros Gone Fishing
Creating something every day is always my style and my life. Fishing is no different I believe everything has the ability to maintain a creative exploration to get better at. So I am relearning the ability to want to hook a fish on my line. But I believe I have a ways to go and I am OK with that! Besides what else can even compare to be in the midst of the most beautiful creation than nature it's self. Instilling in us the very center of spiritual balance.